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Connection Transformation Acceptance Imperfections


Regardless of form, medium or technique I create with a common purpose - to actively invite my faith to be a part of the process.


My first exposure to fine art came by way of tagging along with my father to a local Community College art class at the age of eight. The smell of oil paint, turpentine, stains in the sink and even a lesson on how to clean brushes sparked my desire to create. But as many artists do, I chose a divergent career path leading to NCSU College of Design.


Earning a BA of Environmental Design in Architecture and a Minor in Graphic Design gives me a unique perspective driven by problem solving and innovation. The combination of two and three dimensional space making informs my work and pushes boundaries where process is just as important as end product.

God is awesome, and we are the vessels and the footsteps of his light.
And let us consider how we may spur one another toward love and good deeds.
Hebrews 10: 24



The aim of art is not to represent the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance ~ Aristotle



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studio photo

Where art faith and science collide

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